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St John Missionary Baptist Church Soul Saving Center
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St. John's Choirs and Praise Team work together to sing songs of Zion and to create and set an atmosphere that is conducive for praise and worship.   The leader of this ministry, Sis. Jo Ann Nixon is responsible for selectively choosing hymns and spiritual selections which ministers to the heart and soul as the spirit works to prepare it for a divine Word from God.  

2 Chronicles 20:21 And when he had consulted with the people, he appointed singers unto the Lord, and that should praise the beauty of holiness, as they went out before the army, and to say, Praise the Lord; for his mercy endureth for ever.

Singing is a powerful ministry and is not to be taken lightly as a mere programatic event in worship service.   Even after the Pastor has finished preaching the Word of God, the leader of this ministry is to have discernment of a most fitting selection that will continue to minister that preached message throughout altar call.  All that is done is to bring glory and honor to God. 



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    St. John Missionary Baptist Church Soul-Saving Center
    2921 Briery Swamp Road
    Stokes, North Carolina 27884
    252.830.0259 (fax)